24 research outputs found

    CoDet: Co-Occurrence Guided Region-Word Alignment for Open-Vocabulary Object Detection

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    Deriving reliable region-word alignment from image-text pairs is critical to learn object-level vision-language representations for open-vocabulary object detection. Existing methods typically rely on pre-trained or self-trained vision-language models for alignment, which are prone to limitations in localization accuracy or generalization capabilities. In this paper, we propose CoDet, a novel approach that overcomes the reliance on pre-aligned vision-language space by reformulating region-word alignment as a co-occurring object discovery problem. Intuitively, by grouping images that mention a shared concept in their captions, objects corresponding to the shared concept shall exhibit high co-occurrence among the group. CoDet then leverages visual similarities to discover the co-occurring objects and align them with the shared concept. Extensive experiments demonstrate that CoDet has superior performances and compelling scalability in open-vocabulary detection, e.g., by scaling up the visual backbone, CoDet achieves 37.0 APnovelm\text{AP}^m_{novel} and 44.7 APallm\text{AP}^m_{all} on OV-LVIS, surpassing the previous SoTA by 4.2 APnovelm\text{AP}^m_{novel} and 9.8 APallm\text{AP}^m_{all}. Code is available at https://github.com/CVMI-Lab/CoDet.Comment: Accepted by NeurIPS 202

    Exploring Transformers for Open-world Instance Segmentation

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    Open-world instance segmentation is a rising task, which aims to segment all objects in the image by learning from a limited number of base-category objects. This task is challenging, as the number of unseen categories could be hundreds of times larger than that of seen categories. Recently, the DETR-like models have been extensively studied in the closed world while stay unexplored in the open world. In this paper, we utilize the Transformer for open-world instance segmentation and present SWORD. Firstly, we introduce to attach the stop-gradient operation before classification head and further add IoU heads for discovering novel objects. We demonstrate that a simple stop-gradient operation not only prevents the novel objects from being suppressed as background, but also allows the network to enjoy the merit of heuristic label assignment. Secondly, we propose a novel contrastive learning framework to enlarge the representations between objects and background. Specifically, we maintain a universal object queue to obtain the object center, and dynamically select positive and negative samples from the object queries for contrastive learning. While the previous works only focus on pursuing average recall and neglect average precision, we show the prominence of SWORD by giving consideration to both criteria. Our models achieve state-of-the-art performance in various open-world cross-category and cross-dataset generalizations. Particularly, in VOC to non-VOC setup, our method sets new state-of-the-art results of 40.0% on ARb100 and 34.9% on ARm100. For COCO to UVO generalization, SWORD significantly outperforms the previous best open-world model by 5.9% on APm and 8.1% on ARm100.Comment: Accepted by ICCV2023. 16 page

    EGC: Image Generation and Classification via a Diffusion Energy-Based Model

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    Learning image classification and image generation using the same set of network parameters is a challenging problem. Recent advanced approaches perform well in one task often exhibit poor performance in the other. This work introduces an energy-based classifier and generator, namely EGC, which can achieve superior performance in both tasks using a single neural network. Unlike a conventional classifier that outputs a label given an image (i.e., a conditional distribution p(y∣x)p(y|\mathbf{x})), the forward pass in EGC is a classifier that outputs a joint distribution p(x,y)p(\mathbf{x},y), enabling an image generator in its backward pass by marginalizing out the label yy. This is done by estimating the energy and classification probability given a noisy image in the forward pass, while denoising it using the score function estimated in the backward pass. EGC achieves competitive generation results compared with state-of-the-art approaches on ImageNet-1k, CelebA-HQ and LSUN Church, while achieving superior classification accuracy and robustness against adversarial attacks on CIFAR-10. This work represents the first successful attempt to simultaneously excel in both tasks using a single set of network parameters. We believe that EGC bridges the gap between discriminative and generative learning

    Recognize Any Regions

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    Understanding the semantics of individual regions or patches within unconstrained images, such as in open-world object detection, represents a critical yet challenging task in computer vision. Building on the success of powerful image-level vision-language (ViL) foundation models like CLIP, recent efforts have sought to harness their capabilities by either training a contrastive model from scratch with an extensive collection of region-label pairs or aligning the outputs of a detection model with image-level representations of region proposals. Despite notable progress, these approaches are plagued by computationally intensive training requirements, susceptibility to data noise, and deficiency in contextual information. To address these limitations, we explore the synergistic potential of off-the-shelf foundation models, leveraging their respective strengths in localization and semantics. We introduce a novel, generic, and efficient region recognition architecture, named RegionSpot, designed to integrate position-aware localization knowledge from a localization foundation model (e.g., SAM) with semantic information extracted from a ViL model (e.g., CLIP). To fully exploit pretrained knowledge while minimizing training overhead, we keep both foundation models frozen, focusing optimization efforts solely on a lightweight attention-based knowledge integration module. Through extensive experiments in the context of open-world object recognition, our RegionSpot demonstrates significant performance improvements over prior alternatives, while also providing substantial computational savings. For instance, training our model with 3 million data in a single day using 8 V100 GPUs. Our model outperforms GLIP by 6.5 % in mean average precision (mAP), with an even larger margin by 14.8 % for more challenging and rare categories

    MAMO: Masked Multimodal Modeling for Fine-Grained Vision-Language Representation Learning

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    Multimodal representation learning has shown promising improvements on various vision-language tasks. Most existing methods excel at building global-level alignment between vision and language while lacking effective fine-grained image-text interaction. In this paper, we propose a jointly masked multimodal modeling method to learn fine-grained multimodal representations. Our method performs joint masking on image-text input and integrates both implicit and explicit targets for the masked signals to recover. The implicit target provides a unified and debiased objective for vision and language, where the model predicts latent multimodal representations of the unmasked input. The explicit target further enriches the multimodal representations by recovering high-level and semantically meaningful information: momentum visual features of image patches and concepts of word tokens. Through such a masked modeling process, our model not only learns fine-grained multimodal interaction, but also avoids the semantic gap between high-level representations and low- or mid-level prediction targets (e.g. image pixels), thus producing semantically rich multimodal representations that perform well on both zero-shot and fine-tuned settings. Our pre-trained model (named MAMO) achieves state-of-the-art performance on various downstream vision-language tasks, including image-text retrieval, visual question answering, visual reasoning, and weakly-supervised visual grounding

    Slimmable Generative Adversarial Networks

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    Generative adversarial networks (GANs) have achieved remarkable progress in recent years, but the continuously growing scale of models makes them challenging to deploy widely in practical applications. In particular, for real-time generation tasks, different devices require generators of different sizes due to varying computing power. In this paper, we introduce slimmable GANs (SlimGANs), which can flexibly switch the width of the generator to accommodate various quality-efficiency trade-offs at runtime. Specifically, we leverage multiple discriminators that share partial parameters to train the slimmable generator. To facilitate the \textit{consistency} between generators of different widths, we present a stepwise inplace distillation technique that encourages narrow generators to learn from wide ones. As for class-conditional generation, we propose a sliceable conditional batch normalization that incorporates the label information into different widths. Our methods are validated, both quantitatively and qualitatively, by extensive experiments and a detailed ablation study.Comment: Accepted to AAAI 202